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F6 – Hybrid Filler & Radiesse Expert






25 teaching units


Available for Members


Certificate of completion

About the course

Biostimulants such as polylactic acid, polycaprolactone and calcium hydroxyl apaptite are becoming increasingly important in aesthetic medicine.

The same applies to the mixture of hyaluronic acid fillers with these biostimulants.

In our F6 – Hybrid Filler & Radiesse Expert Online and Hands-On Training the leading expert Dr. Simon Ravichandran from UK & Dr. Rolf Bartsch show their more than 10 years of experience with these fillers:

– Scientific basis for biostimulators
– Evidence-based application
– Off-label applications
– Hybrid filler and dilute procedure

By booking this course you will get access to the online course videos. As a member, you can also acquire additional knowledge in the e-cademy. After a theoretical online examination, we look forward to the joint hands-on training. Please note: The theory part must be completed before the hands-on training begins.

Course for advanced students only!

Please note that our Hand-On course F6 is only available to participants who have either successfully completed our basic courses F1 and F2 or have at least one year’s professional experience or can prove that they have performed at least 100 botulinum toxin & filler treatments.

Years of professional experience


Treatments carried out

What will I learn?

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With our Membership

Pre-register now!

The number of participants in our hands-on courses is limited to 12 people: secure your place now!

The course content for the online theory will be made available to you from August. With your pre-registration you will be the first to access the online theory.

Online Only

F6 – Hybrid Filler & Radiesse Expert | Online Only
€980 für Members €890

(~10% cheaper for members)

Hands-On & Online

Location: theaesthetics | Grinzinger Allee 15, 1190 Vienna
F6 Course times: 13.00-19.00 hrs 
You can find more information here in our FAQs.

F6 – Hybrid Filler & Radiesse Expert | Hands-On & Online Theorie | 13.09.2024
Open Places: 11
€2.960 für Members €2.670

(~10% cheaper for members)

Course content


  • General facts 
  • Science behind
  • Evidence based
  • Radiesse components
  • Mode of action
  • Rheology
  • Degradation
  • Clinical Practice 
  • Radiesse PLUS
  • Preparation
  • Injection techniques
  • Linear threading
  • Bolus technique
  • Fanning
  • Injection depths
  • Regions
  • Radiesse dilute Preparation
  • Consensus on dilutions
  • Hybrid Filler 
  • Science
  • Concept Hybrid Filler
  • Concept Hybrid dilute
  • Best clinics practice
  • Safety profile
  • Tips & Tricks


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